Setup Pack for Easy HTML To Any Script Converter already includes some additional language files (English are built in the program), but in spite of this fact each user an opportunity to create the interface on any other language and further to work with it. Everything you need is a selected language support by your version of Windows, and also it is a little patience. In 'Languages' folder of the program directory you will find a sample file for translation into any language called 'sample.txt'. You can open it for further editing in the 'Notepad' or any other text editor. Each row in it begins with number of row and equal-sign. Directly after an equal-sign enter the text of translation for matching row on your native language. You can make translation only of a part of rows which are most necessary for you — for untranslated strings will be displayed matching English text. And finally, you have to rename this file so that a filename become the name of your native language in English (e.g. 'Russian') and change file extension "*.txt" to "*.lng". After that your language name will appear in the languages list in Options 'General' tab. Select it and press 'OK' and you will get the interface on your native language. If you first make a translation of program interface, tips and help files (are placed in a program directory) to one of Western European languages and send to us (desirable in TXT format for interface and tips files and either in HTML, TXT, RTF or DOC formats for help file) then you can get free registration for one of our shareware products. Before beginning translation please contact the developers at for getting information about availability of any other translation to the same language. |